Simba goes International

Hair update
This post is well overdue. I have been in the Philippines for almost two months now and haven't said a word about what has been going on with my hair. Since this is a lengthy post I'll start with the highlights in a timeline form.

Week 1-3: Marley twists
Week 4: Two chunky flat twists
Week 5: Wash 'n' Go/Afro
Week 6: Two strand twists
Week 7-8: Flat twists protective style
Week 8: Twists, Twist Out and Afro

Simba does not like being cramped in a trike

Before leaving for staging for the Peace Corps (The night before to be exact) I decided to twist my hair with Marley hair extensions so I wouldn't have to stress about my natural hair while adapting to a new culture at the same time. The first three weeks after arriving in the Philippines will show me wearing my Marley twist in buns and updos. Those were my "go-to" styles. It was such a time saver to get up throw it on top of my head and get ready for my 8 hour days. The twist only stayed up 3 weeeks. I wish I could have kept them in longer but after getting my hair wet a few times, my Marley twists were starting to look a little scruffy and my natural hair was severely exposed so I took them down.


I mentioned to my host mother that I would take down my air and she volunteered to assist me. I thought she was just saying that to be polite but the night I started to take them down she was right next to me waiting on an invitation to get in my head. Once I showed her how to do it she was taking them down one time strand at a time with such care. My host mother was thrilled to help out with that process. 

At this point my hair is all out and I still have no idea what to do because I did not know how to wash my hair without a shower head. I had to do something so I detangled it and addd a leave-in conditioner. I saved the shampoo process for a later day.

When a free Sunday came around I officially washed my hair with shampoo. I still have not mastered my go-to style for this extremely hot and humid country so I wore my hair out and let Simba (my afro) show her face to the world. The downfall to this plan is that I noticed my hair would feel dry and brittle from the harsh sun which was opposite than I thought. I figured the humidity would add moisture to my hair. WRONG! 

The following week I planned to wash my hair but things came up so all I was able to do was apply conditioner, detangle, and put in chunky twist as if I was pre-pooing. The following day was street immersion in Manila and I didn't think Simba would be appropriate. I wanted to be as low-key as possible and didn't want people in my hair so on the ride to Manila I twisted it and kept it in until the following week.

Oh! Have you met my hair crush?

-The Natural Travelista