The Flat Twist Out

Hey Lovelies,

Since being in the Philippines, my styling options have been limited due to time, energy and the extreme heat and humidity here. The only styles I have been doing to my hair are afros, puffs and two-strand twists, which is fine but this limitation has sent me into withdrawals of my favorite hairstyle, THE FLAT TWIST OUT.

Since I first started my hair journey, Flat twist outs have been my "go-to" hairstyle. If all else failed I knew I could have a pretty nice looking flat twist out. However, one problem that started to occur was that they never turn out the same way twice. That is why I have never done a tutorial. If I do my hair one day without documenting the steps. It turns out FABULOUS. The next time I try to duplicate it for a general audience, it fails. Then I thought of conducting an experiment to show the difference in twists outs based on different hair products. Then I realized there are too many variables to account for (time of day, season, twisting technique, size of twists, dry versus wet hair, wind speed, velocity, etc.) It seemed like a daunting task.

So now what I do is just get creative with the flat twist pattern. Here are a few ideas:

Flat Twist to the back
Flat Twist to the back with flexi rods
Flat Twist to the back with perm rods
Flat Twist to the side with a side part
Flat Twist to the side with a middle part
Flat Twist to the side, side part with perm rods
Flat Twist to the side, side part with flexi rods
Flat twist to the side, side part with bantu knots
Flat twist in front to side, flat twist in back to the back

I am also providing the links to Natural Hair vloggers that I consider the Twist Out Queen:

What is your experience with flat twist outs?

More Twists Outs On Facebook

Post by The Natural Travelista.

-The Natural Travelista
natural hairJavonni McGlaurin