Periscope No. 1 - Blogs I Follow #OctoberScopers

I conducted my first periscope broadcast and I was not satisfied with the quality of videos I normally produce on YouTube Channel but nothing is ever perfect on the first attempt. You can read about my experience with my first periscope experience here. 

I follow a lot of bloggers on many different platforms. However, there are a select few I cannot get enough of. The ones mentioned in my recent Periscope boradcast have me frequently looking at their website for advice, tips, or just a good story. I patiently await any new content they release. If you haven't heard of these, now is the chance.


Here are the Top 10 Blogs I Follow!

Cool Young History

Description: A cool young couple traveling the world while writing and creating artwork. They are honeymooning indefinitely and creating the lifestyle they want.

The Catch Me If You Can

Description: A world traveler who has been to 56 countries and counting. She has lived, worked, and studied four different continents and documents her journey.

Rachel Travels
Description: Rachel is the individual that will help you find flight deals so you can travel like a pro. This blog offers tips, tricks, and hacks on budget travel through personal reflections, travel guides and more. 

Global Couture

Description: Global Couture was born out of the lack of natural hair apparel and accessories. Global Couture blog is a expression of love for travel, self-exploration, cultural expression and creativity. 

Curly Nikki 

Description: This site serves as a "hair therapy session" Along with numerous articles relating to healthy natural hair. There are numerous forums for ladies to connect and share experiences.

My Natural Sistas

Description: Natural Hair is a family affair with these three naturalistas. This sisterhood helps motivate, educate and inspire others on natural hair, health, and beauty.

Sumetra Reed

Description: The flat twist out queen graces us with her down to earth presence on YouTube.  She has a growing audience of 60,000 subscribers and rising. 

Peace Corps Passport

Description: Peace Corps Passport takes you inside the world of Peace Corps. A collection of stories from current and returned volunteers to promote the third goal Peace Corps

My Global Arena

Description: A travel, foodie, DIY paradise. Rachel is an international social worker that currently serves with me in the Peace Corps.

How a PCV Puts It Gently

Description: A satirical meme and GIF based blog reflect the struggles and nuances of a Peace Corps volunteer. It demonstrates a variety of difference between volunteers and host country national

- The Natural Travelista