Peace Corps Philippines: North Cemetery

North Cemetery: 8/11/14

Our assignment when we arrived to North Cemetery was just to entertain the kids. Play games and keep them engaged. A Peace Corps Volunteers currently working with North Cemetery provided a lot of materials we could use. Chalk, face paint, crayons, etc. I started working with the teenage group 15-18 but it was only 4 girls in this group so after a while they we all moved over to help play with the other younger children.

Loved the kids but I still can not wrap my head around the fact that these kids and families live in this area. A 6,000+ community living life in this in this 54 acres cemetery. It wasn’t as emotional as I thought it would be but I did notice that my image of the Philippines was completely skewed. Just go to Pinterest and type “Philippines”, then try another search using “Peace Corps Philippines”  two completely different images. This IS a third world country and something needs to be done besides vacationing to a beach with the clearest water and whitest beach. I just hope I can make my service meaningful and meaningful to others. I would be ok serving a community like this and I think I would like to be in an urban environment. This is where the action is and where I can be most beneficial. 

I also went to explore Manila this evening. Great time to take care of  some business, get food, and fellowship with my batch mates and the resource volunteers. This was actually my first time since arriving in country that I consumed alcohol. I was in a controlled environment where there were many people around so I enjoyed my time there. This was also the most I really bonded with the trainees from my sector since we hardly ever get together socially in Bagac. During IO, I was all about business and adjusting. Thank goodness for the resources volunteers, especially BECKS!! All of them were there to support us through language, technical and overall integration and concerns we might have but Becks as our PCVL, Peace Corps Volunteer Leader made sure we all got home safe and did not rest until everyone was accounted for. This was not a responsibility she took lightly and I am very appreciative for that. 

Lastly, I had a shower tonight. First one since being at my training site. I normally take bucket showers but at the place we stayed there was an actual shower head. It was MARVELOUS. A shower head with decent water pressure is such a luxury for me. It did not matter there was no hot water or no electricity in the CR (comfort room). My headlamp and flashlight was all I needed. I most definitely lathered up twice just to take advantage of this moment while everyone else was else so I could also sleep in while the other 8 women fought for two bathrooms in the AM. Goodnight.

Photo Credits: AJ

-The Natural Travelista

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